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Individuals who wish to upgrade their skills and obtain certification in asset valuation, construction management and inspection, including valuation of real property, capital equipment and going business concerns; supervision and certification of construction activities; and inspection of newly completed for certification for occupancy or inspection of existing structures shall receive specialized training and certification that shall be recognized by both their respective Associations and the National Ministry responsible for Technical and Specialized Training. In addition, the Platform shall provide facilities for Continuing Education to ensure that the certified professionals shall continuously upgrade their skills to keep pace with changes in laws, regulations as well as technology. The Associations shall, in collaboration with the National Ministry responsible for Technical Education, establish the national training curricula and examinations that all real estate industry professional must undertake and pass to be certified. 

The Associations shall establish and enforce the Codes of Conduct and regulations that shall govern their members and the Real Estate Industry, including such activities as discipline of professionals; marketing and selling of the real properties; remuneration and revenue sharing arrangements among licensed professional

The National Engineers Association (“NEA”) shall, in collaboration with the National Housing Authority and Ministries responsible for the Housing Sector and for Technical Education, develop specialized education curricula for Professional Engineers and Construction Management Professionals and the examinations that all such professionals must pass. The requirements shall apply equally to Public Sector and Private Sector Engineers and Construction Management Professionals